Leclanché operates through a Board of Directors and an Executive Committee.
The Board of Directors has a regulatory role and is responsible for supervising the Executive Management of Leclanché. It also functions as an advisor to the Executive Committee, providing support and approval of key decisions. Through two Board sub-committees, the Appointments and Remuneration committee, and the Audit and Risk Management committee, the Board exercises direct control over certain personnel and accounting functions.
The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing Leclanché strategy, together with the execution and monitoring of all Company activities.
To access our Board of Directors, please visit Our Leadership Team page.
To access our Executive Management team, please visit Our Leadership Team page.
Disclosure of management transactions is intended to facilitate the provision of information to investors. This information provides investors with an additional qualitative insight into their investment decision.
Information on management transactions can be found on the website of SIX Swiss Exchange. Please fill in “Leclanché” in the corresponding search field “company”.
Shareholders who hold shares in a company incorporated in Switzerland whose equity securities are listed in Switzerland have the duty to disclose if they reach, exceed or fall below certain thresholds (3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 33 1/3, 50 und 66 2/3 % of voting rights).
Since 1 December 2008, all applicable disclosures of shareholdings have been handled directly via the Swiss Stock Exchange (SIX) platform.
Information on disclosure of equity interests can be found on the website of SIX Swiss Exchange. Please fill in “Leclanché” in the corresponding search field “company”.