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Media Articles
This page features press articles about Leclanché.
Articles 2020
TF1, Le Grand Format, “les bateaux électriques, une véritable révolution”
MarineLog, “Danish electric ferry reports successful first year in service”
Baden Online, “Unternehmen Leclanché investiert in den Ausbau in Willstätt ”
Electric and Hybrid Marine Technology international, “Leclanché expands energy storage solutions to meet growing e-marine needs ”
World of Advice, “Visite des entrailles d’un bateau incroyable”
RTS, “On a marché sur la terre”
Railway Age, “You Can Rely Upon Lithium-Ion”
Baden Online, “Willstätt: Unternehmen stellt Energie-Management-System vor”
BBC News, “Plug-in and sail: Meet the electric ferry pioneers”
Articles 2019
Bloomberg, “Swiss Battery Maker Favors Electric Ships, Trains Over Autos”
Silicon Republic, “25 entrepreneurs set to shake up their industries in 2020”
Euronews, “Meet Ellen, the world’s largest E-ferry, connecting two Danish islands without emitting any CO2”
Aargauer Zeitung, “Elektro-Schiffe boomen – auch dank Schweizer Technologie”
The Telegraph: “Bombardier Signs €100m Deal to Make UK’s First Battery-Powered Trains”
RTS: “Leclanché décroche un contrat à 100 millions avec Bombardier
24 Heures: “Leclanché met le turbo dans les ferries électriques grâce à ses batteries hightech”
CNN Money Switzerland: “Leclanché CEO Wants to “Dispel Myth” all Firm’s Investors are Chinese”
CNN Money Switzerland: “Swiss Battery Maker Urges Industry to be Honest about CO2 Footprint”
CNN Money Switzerland: “Meet the world’s largest e-ferry”
CNN Money Switzerland: “A glimpse into the world’s largest, most powerful electrical ferry”
The Motorship: “Re-energised Rauma Yard Builds Business”
Maritime Executive: “Electric Ferry Makes Record Voyage in Denmark”
CNBC: “The world’s ‘largest all-electric ferry’ has completed its maiden voyage”
Edison Group Report: “Powering the world’s largest electric ferry”
Maritime Journal: “Battery ferry makes first commercial trip”
Forbes: “The World’s Largest Electric Ferry Has Completed Its Maiden Voyage”
L’Agefi: “Leclanché s’étend dans la marine électrique”
Caribjournal: “St Kitts Is Launching a Major New Solar Energy Project
Energy Storage News: “Leclanché to build 35.6MW/44.2MWh solar-plus-storage plant on St. Kitts and Nevis”
PV Magazine: “Solar-plus-storage to cover 25% of electricity demand of Saint Kitts and Nevis”
L’Agefi: “Leclanché a inauguré en Allemagne une unité de stockage clé pour la régulation du réseau”
Leclanché a inauguré un stockage ambitieux
Articles 2018
Canal Alpha report: “Les affaires de Leclanché bientôt rechargées à bloc”
Anil Srivastava is interviewed in the Daily Telegraph on 27 November 2018
Anil Srivastava is quoted in the Financial Times on 10 October 2018
Leclanché ist auf dem Weg zum Turnaround
Leclanché erhält Auftrag von EV Network for Ladestationen in England
Leclanché wurde von EV Network in Grossbritannien als Partner der Wahl für die Entwicklung von ultrasechnellen Ladestationnen für Elektrofahrzeuge ausgewählt
Leclanché apporte son expérience de fabricant
Leclanché a doublé ses revenus au premier semestre
L’Agefi: La stratégie de Leclanché se concrétise entre le stationnaire et les transports
Leclanché sélectionné par EV Network au Royaume-Uni comme partenaire de choix pour le développement des stations de recharge ultra-rapides pour véhicules électriques
Leclanché erhält Auftrag von EV Network für Ladestationen in England
PM unveils plans for UK to become world leader in low emission tech
RTS Report
Leclanché ist auf dem Weg zum Turnaround
Articles 2017
Anderson Center Opens “World of Opportunity”
Fast-charging stations for electric vehicules coming to Trans-Canada highway
Windpower Monthly: Leclanché to supply 20 MW storage system in US
Energy Storage News: Swiss investor enters PJM frequency regulation market with Leclanché
PV magazine: Leclanché storage pipeline grows to 450 MWh as 2016 revenue rises 56%
Articles 2016
Appraisal: “The big fortunes bet on Leclanché”
L’Agefi: “The decisive support of private capital”
L’Agefi: “The beginning of the real industrial deployment on a very large scale”
Electric and Hybrid Marine Magazine : “Floating on air”
European CEO : “The battery era begins”
Smarter Living: “Now we are in total control of our electricity”
Canadian Grid Operator Signs $50 Million Deal for Energy Storage
Articles 2015
Swiss battery producer to use new aluminium battery foil for electrical power network in the Azores
Energy Storage Report: “Battery boss questions current market focus”
Anil Srivastava, CEO Leclanché, Europe’s battery leader: “Public transport should take the lead in electrification”
SNL: “Energy storage market heating up as technologies, investment advance”